Thursday, 4 September 2008

Northern Rock on Facebook

For web readers, a signpost to Northern Rock on Facebook might be interesting - some of them are still relevant, and UKSA has been considering the possibility of starting an ex-shareholder-specific group

Help keep the Rock Northern

Northern Rock’s fate could be sealed in the next week, amid fears of a takeover bid for the bank. This would have a huge effect on the North East. Back the rock and keep it in the North East!Members: 1,590 (including Robin Ashby!)

Back Northern Rock

Our aim is to inform the British Public of the events surrounding Northern Rock, and to drive up support for the Rock from depositors, borrowers, and investors alike. If we, the public, can change the perception and back them by depositing into NRK - we can rebuild trust and confidence into one of the UKs favourite mortgage lenders.Perhaps more importantly however, by backing Northern Rock - we can help restabilise the British financial system. Would you want what happened to Northern Rock to spread and effect your bank?Members: 400

Keep the Northern Rock Northern

Northern Rock is an important part of the fabric of the North East and, should it be taken over, its Head Office and staff should remain in Gosforth.Members: 295

Nationalize Northern Rock
(Obvioulsy don't agree with this one!)

The Government must nationalize the Northern Rock bank immediately and without compensation to protect the public interest and prevent the biggest rip-off of tax payers in the condtions of a buy out by wealthy speculators.Tax-payers' underwriting to save this bank was unprecedented. Tax-payers must now demand their right to command the company and directly defend their massive stake in this concern and to fend off speculators looking to hold the public purse to ransom.

There are a large number of smaller groups of 40 people or less which have mainly the same aims as well as some with tongue in cheek titles.

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