Thursday, 4 September 2008

From a Northern Rock shareholder

A letter from Angelique Hunt

We lost roughly twenty thousand shares, and we're discusted with the way the government handled the whole situation.

They used the taxpayer as a scapegoat to get support, knowing that the taxpayer would never get to ever see this money anyway. As a taxpayer, I would be asking why the government has got so much of their resorces left over to play around with like this - we are not just talking about a few quid.

What about the interest alone? Surely there should be some sort of reduction in taxes for this, if they have nothing better to do with the money! Maybe they should have built another millenium dome, or even better more opera houses for the everyday taxpayer to go watch Swan Lake. It's not as though I can go every week.

So, after all, we were duped by the government again. And it's actually the taxpayer who has been done for , though no one will ever get it through to them, because they will imagine that they will receive something back from Northern Rock.

Which poses another question. What does the government intend to do with any profits made by Northern Rock if all turns out well? Will every tax payer get a lump some for using their money? Not on your nelly!

I suggest Dick Turpin runs for the next Prime Minister - at least we stand a small chance at a normal life before we kick the bucket.

Thanks for taking the time to look after the rights of Northern Rock shareholders.

Editorial Note: Posting of comments and editorials by members of NRSSG is provided as a service to members. Comments made by individual members should not be construed as representing the opinion of Northern Rock Small Small Shareholders Group or the editors of this blog.

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