Monday 8 September 2008

UK govt appoints Northern Rock compensation valuer

LONDON, Sept 8 (Reuters) -

Britain's finance ministry said
today that it had appointed BDO Stoy Hayward valuations partner
Andrew Caldwell to assess how much compensation should be paid to shareholders affected by the nationalisation of Northern Rock

The government took control of the struggling mortgage lender in February.

"A list of people who held shares immediately prior to the transfer is being maintained," the Treasury said in a statement.

"Former shareholders can update their contact details by following the instructions on Northern Rock's web site. In due course, Andrew Caldwell will inform former shareholders and others of the basis on which he is going to operate and how he intends to proceed."

Robin Ashby will be interviewed by BBC TV tonight on the subject. He will point out the scewed basis for valuation, the Judicial Review process and will call for the Governemnt to reveal how much they are paying the valuer and what indemnity has been offered against potential shareholder legal action against Mr Caldwell.

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